Docker commands


Dockerfile: think of it as the script portion of package.json (of course it is a script file that Docker will use to create image, container etc)

.dockerignore: same as .gitignore

  • lists all containers

    docker container ls
  • lists all images

    docker image ls
  • creates a new image which copies files from current directory (the . signifies this, replace as necessary)

    docker build -t newImageName .
  • runs image ‘imageName’ on port 4000 inside Docker container and then forward that port to host device’s port 8000

    docker run -it -p 8000:4000 imageName
  • creates a container and image for MySQL server, maps the container’s port 3306 to the host device’s port 3307 and sets environment variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD as password123. Docker tries to find image ‘mysql’, and downloads one if it can’t find locally

    docker run --name newContainerName -p 3307:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password123 mysql
  • allows you to enter the container with bash, just like you’d SSH into a VM or Server. To switch to SSH, you just have to type ssh at the end instead of bash

    docker exec -it containerImageName bash
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