诺亚 / Nuh / نوح

Hi, I am Nuh, a Yorkshire-based web developer with an undying thirst for problem solving, currently building great products at CDS for clients across various industries.

I specialise in Front End web development with a strong focus on building secure, semantic, accessible, and performant sites. Approaching challenges with passion, I am actively enhancing my skills to become a full-stack contributor. My drive to learn and contribute is fuelled by a determination to make a difference.

✨ A warm welcome ✨

Interested in

  • Web development

  • Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Cloud

Experienced in

  • languages

    I feel at home with three languages: Python, C# and JavaScript. Python was my first language, and I self-studied both C# and JS. I am comfortable learning other languages, and sometimes I get tempted to learn in a weekend but everything has their time. I am more problem-driven than language-driven. If the solution I am chasing is best done using a particular language, then I will learn the language and its features until it is sufficient to complete the solution. An example of that is GraphQL.

  • frameworks / libraries / browser tech

    I usually switch between writing vanilla JS (to go with .NET projects), vanilla React or Next. I also have experience with Gatsby and SharePoint. I tend to experiment with PWAs and Browser Extensions when I am not busy with client work.

  • Content Management Systems

    Built sites that use Episerver/Optimizely CMS or Umbraco CMS

    Optimizely Logo
  • cloud

    I dived into Azure first as it looked more challenging than the other cloud providers. This challenge took me on an interesting journey to not only understanding the fundamental importance of cloud (public, private and hybrid) but also my own personal architecture. It was during this period that I began working with Linux and upgrading/reusing my own nearly-unusable devices. I am Azure Fundamentals Certified.

  • OS

    I wish I had known about Linux earlier than post-graduation. Discovering Linux during my period of time learning Networking (via CCNA) and Azure, I began to immediately research it and use it in reviving retired laptops. Of course, I was a Windows user before Linux. I am comfortable using either standalone, dual boot, virtualisation, or WSL.

  • Databases

    I normally pick Mongo when developing with a Node-based stack, whereas I prefer picking MySQL for .NET stack. I am also okay with SQL databases - MSSQL was my first DB.

Tech groups

One of the earliest communities I joined before I even had a commercial opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed participating in their hacks and even had the pleasure of being on the winning side a few times (with rewards!). Many thanks to the organisers for providing me with React and .NET books as rewards — I gained a lot from these books.
Yorkshire Fullstack
This group consistently delivered innovative discussions, and I enjoyed listening in, even though I felt lost at times. The first talk I attended was about Monolithic vs. Microservices. Thanks to their excellent delivery, I grasped the conceptual differences, but due to my limited experience, I couldn't truly appreciate the challenges they faced.
Somalis in Tech
A tech community with a focus on gathering and celebrating technologists of Somali background, as well as encouraging more to the join the profession and get the support they need.
Deen Developers
A tech community with a focus on celebrating technologists of Muslim background, as well as providing a community and platform for them to launch and progress their career. They host inspirational talks, hackathons, and community projects amongst other initiatives.
Muslamic Makers
Shared goals with Deen Developers but also provides scholarships and patnerships with Bootcamp providers, along with courses in Product and more.

Get in Touch

Find me on LinkedIn ... or say hello if you see me in person :)

Nuh © 2024